Who’s it behind all this ?

Say hi !

The hidden side of My Sweet Neko is Charlotte, an animal lover with a BIG penchant for felines (that fit on your knees! ), a particular need to use her hands in sewing and DIY projects, and an interest, backed up by training, in graphic design, web, colors, objects, all that and more…


The idea for this brand of sewing creations for cats and dogs came to me the day an adorable little ball of fur with a raccoon tail and long whiskers came into my life!

Well… OUR lives, because there are 2 of us and, unluckily, “Sir” is allergic!

Against all odds, he adopted her too (a bit of forcing?! Nah!) and they’re both doing very well!

So I went out and bought her everything she needed for her well-being in the house (and more!) and I was struck by the lack of choice and originality of the fabrics used in the stores for baskets and accessories!

Always the same colors: plain or kitsch to death with paw prints and hearts! Yuck! (I decided to buy a brown basket with a cream interior… The least ugly!) 

Back at home, I got out the sewing machine, chose matching fabrics from my overflowing stock (impulsive buyer, me??) and created the very first basket in what I hope will be a very long series!

In response to your requests, I then completed the basket collection with toys and clothing accessories (and soon to come other items), always with the aim of offering a wider choice of colors and patterns to anyone (you 😉 ) who, like me, loves originality and getting away from the monotony imposed in industrial shops.


If you want to transform a curtain scrap, add your pet’s name or change the size of a model… No problem!

Just drop me a line via the site’s contact form, directly at hello@mysweetneko.be, or even via my Facebook or Instagram pages, and we’ll be happy to talk things over and come up with a personalized item together!